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Showing posts from 2016

Let Us Not Become the Evil We Deplore

This week ought to be a time of remembrance.  223 years ago today,  George Washington laid the cornerstone of the United States Capitol, a magnificent symbol of our nation.  Yesterday some of us celebrated the 229th anniversary of our Constitution, something that is often forgotten in the shadow of Independence Day, though it is of much greater importance in my opinion. On September 13th, 1932, Gandhi started a fast to protest Caste separation, which was a terrible form of discrimination, akin to the discrimination that still plaques the world. And of course, a week ago many of us joined in saying that, "We Will Never Forget", the atrocities committed on 9/11.  But how many of us can truly say that we have never forgotten, or never will forget 9/11? I know that I for one, have forgotten that day many times, possibly because I was too young to realize the full import of the events. But in a deeper sense, I feel that we have really forgotten the most import